How St. Louis MO Allergist Helps Animal Lovers with Pet Allergy Symptoms

If you’re an animal lover that is suffering from pet allergy symptoms, maybe it’s time to visit a St. Louis MO allergist. Many people have found relief for their allergy symptoms and sensitivities by seeing an allergist. If you are suffering from sinus and nasal congestion, asthma, skin rashes, a runny nose or excessive sneezing, or red, watery, or itching eyes, a MO allergist will be able to help you find relief. Here are some recommendations that an allergist might recommend:

  • Many pet allergies respond well to taking FDA approved antigens in liquid form placed under the tongue. Allergy drops have been found effective in providing relief to patients suffering from dog, cat, gerbil, hamster, or rabbit allergies.
  • If your pet lives inside your home with you, here are some recommendations on activities that might lessen your allergic symptoms: First, wear a dust mask when you vacuum, and get a HEPA filter vacuum (high efficiency particulate air). Second, add a HEPA filter or air filter to your HVAC, and make sure the filter is on for 4 hours or more every day. Third, remove carpeting if you can. Bare tile or hardwood floors and walls are best for allergy sufferers. If you can’t remove the carpeting, steam clean them frequently. Fourth, remove animal allergen particles from the air by using a room electrostatic filter. Fifth, use a filtering material like cheesecloth to cover your bedroom vents. Sixth, have your pets thoroughly brushed outside as often as possible to reduce dander. Weekly pet washing has not been proven to be of value in the reduction of allergy symptoms. Seventh, the allergic person’s bedroom should be off limits to their pets, and also the bedroom should be thoroughly and completely cleaned.
  • Many people benefit from allergy shots (immunotherapy), antihistamine pills like Benadryl, and antihistamine and steroidal nose sprays. A good St. Louis MO allergist will utilize a combination of approaches – immunotherapy, updated housecleaning methods, and medical control of symptoms, to find out the best course of action for their patient.
  • Don’t feel alone. Studies have found that over 10 million pet owners are somewhat or highly allergic to their pets. Education is important to understand what can be done to reduce or eliminate allergy symptoms. Brush your pet at least once a week. Brushing spreads natural oils through their skin, loosens dander and dead hair, and helps to get rid of dirt. Brushing also helps to prevent matting, which is a primary cause of skin infections. Make sure to choose a brush made especially to handle either fine or coarse hair. Of course, if possible, the person who has the allergies should not be doing the grooming and brushing.
  • Allergy shots should be considered if you are having allergic reactions for more than 3 months every year. Shots contain a minute portion of pet dander or whatever it is you’re allergic to. Irritation around the injection site is common and usually disappears within 4 to 8 hours.

St. Louis Allergy Relief Center in St. Louis MO, Helps Animal Lovers with Allergy Relief

St. Louis Allergy Relief Center can help animal lovers and pet owners with the symptoms of pet allergies and allow them to keep their pets.

St. Louis Allergy Relief Center is proud to offer an alternative natural therapy for allergy sufferers called Advanced Allergy Therapeutics. This is a holistic therapy that does not use needles, drugs or supplements, does not require avoiding the allergen and is safe for young children and seniors.

Advanced Allergy Therapeutics should not be used for severe allergies with a risk of anaphylaxis or other life threatening symptoms, but successfully relieves the symptoms of allergies or sensitivities long term. In the case of food “allergies,” many of the people who think they have allergies actually have sensitivities, which cannot be addressed with antihistamines and other drugs.

The therapy works by using gentle pressure on points associated with the organ or system that is reacting to the substance. In other words, AAT does not focus on the substance, but only on the reaction – reducing the stress on the effected system. It combines modern science with acupuncture principles to create a system that has few side effects and good results.

If a person is allergic to a cat or dog then it is most often the dander causing the reaction, although some individuals react to pet urine. With AAT it does not matter – the symptoms are treated. So, if a child is sniffling after playing with the dog, this gentle therapy encourages the respiratory system to stop overreacting to the stimulus. Because AAT does not recommend avoidance, there is no need to find a new home for the animals, or for a person to give up riding horses because of allergic reactions to the horses or their feed.

Allergy sufferers should consider contacting this MO allergist to find help with their symptoms. St. Louis Allergy Relief Center is ready to help people in the area live better lives.

Company Name: St. Louis Allergy Relief Center
Address: 1415 Elbridge Payne Road, #145, Chesterfield, MO 63017
Contact Telephone Number: (314) 384-9304

Discover Natural Allergy Relief with St. Louis MO Allergist

Allergies can cause a variety of health problems, preventing people from experiencing the vitality of optimal wellness. Some experience seasonal allergies, while others may deal with food or environmental sensitivities that lead to more debilitating symptoms, such as digestive problems or migraine headaches. A St. Louis MO allergist utilizes a natural approach to mitigate allergy symptoms.

Allergies cause a myriad of symptoms affecting different body systems. Those who are especially sensitive to pollen, food, dust, animals, or chemicals often experience the typical signs of hay fever. Itchy, watery eyes and a runny nose frequently result when a person comes in contact with what the body recognizes as an allergen. In more severe cases, patients develop asthma, characterized by wheezing and shortness of breath.

Allergies also have an adverse effect on the digestive system, resulting in conditions such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), gas, bloating, intestinal pain, acid reflux, and even vomiting and diarrhea.

The culprit behind many cases of eczema, hives, blisters, skin rashes, and atopic dermatitis is an element in the environment that the sufferer is sensitive to. Common skin-irritating allergens include foods, plants, and chemicals.

Migraine headaches are all too common and can be triggered by a variety of factors. Certain foods, dairy products, wine, chocolate, caffeine, and grains can set off excruciating headaches. Environmental agents such as pollen, chemicals, vehicle fumes, and perfumes are also linked to this episodic, painful condition. Even seemingly minor changes such as variations in barometric pressure and temperature can cause the body to react. Additionally, motion sickness may be linked to environmental causes.

Allergies do not always present as physical manifestations. Sensitivities to certain foods and food coloring and flavoring, preservatives, mold, fragrances, and chemicals can cause emotional or behavioral disturbances in some people. Research demonstrates that food sensitivities sometimes aggravate symptoms of attention deficit disorder (ADD), attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and autism.

True allergies involve the body’s immune system overreacting to elements in the environment. Sometimes, a condition that looks like an allergy is merely a sensitivity or intolerance. However, the general public has adopted the term “allergy” to include true allergies and symptoms that do not involve an immune response. A St. Louis allergist can successfully alleviate symptoms, whether or not they are triggered by the body’s natural defenses.

Fortunately, a non-invasive natural therapy is available to mitigate allergies and sensitivities. Safe for all ages, this therapeutic technique centers on the relationship between major organ systems and the body’s tendency to perceive benign environmental substances as harmful. The health of major organ systems impacts the types of symptoms that occur. Pressure is placed gently on points that correspond with the affected organ system.

Meanwhile, a mild representation of the offending allergen is placed on the skin to introduce it to the organ system. Stimulation minimizes the stress on the organ system, allowing it to better tolerate the perceived invader. Reducing stress on one organ system promotes better health throughout the entire body. A St. Louis MO allergist employs precision-based therapy to quickly alleviate allergy symptoms, enabling patients to achieve long-term optimal health.

St. Louis Allergy Relief Center in St. Louis MO, Helps Alleviate Allergy Symptoms Naturally

Naturally alleviate allergy symptoms with the help of a skilled chiropractor

An allergy is one of the peskiest of conditions to plague many people. Allergies, for the most part, are frustrating to deal with, because sometimes you do not know what the allergen is that is giving you so much grief.

Allergic reactions present as minor reactions to life-threatening circumstances.

Some symptoms of allergies include,

  • Sinus congestion
  • Runny nose
  • Chest congestion
  • Dry mouth
  • Skin itches
  • Internal and external hives
  • Sneezing and sniffles
  • Coughing
  • Mucus buildup in the throat and lungs
  • Stomach upset
  • Eczema
  • Breathing difficulties
  • Respiratory wheezing
  • Red, swollen and itchy eyes
  • Swelling anywhere in or on the body
  • Decreased immunity and frequent infections

Allergies can come about from any internal or external allergen. Allergies can be strictly seasonal or caused by foods, pet dander, molds, mildews, dust, chemicals, environmental, and more. You may only have allergy problems in particular seasons or year around.
Things you love the most sometimes cause you the most grief, such as dairy, chocolate, your pets, soy, nuts, fish, and more. You need to avoid the things you know to cause allergic reactions.
Winning the war on allergies is the battle most people fight every day in one way or another. Winning this fight means you must know what you are fighting. In this case, you must avoid, at all cost, the thing that triggers your allergy symptoms, you have no other option.
For example, if milk and dairy products cause unpleasant reactions after consuming them, such as diarrhea, stomach cramps, headache, nausea, and vomiting, you may not have an allergy at all. You may have lactose (milk sugar) intolerance.
In this case, your body does not digest this milk sugar found in dairy products. Your options are,

  • Avoid all dairy products
  • Take a supplement to help your body dissolve lactose
  • See your chiropractor for help

If you randomly break out in hives and do not have a clue why this happened, you probably never will, so you take medication to relieve skin itching and wait for them to disappear. Sometimes your emotions and stress can trigger a hive outbreak; it is hard to answer why this happens. Something has to trigger this reaction, and all you can do is second guess the problem.

Food dyes, additives, preservatives, and grains found in most all foods are a big concern for people suffering from allergies. You must learn to read food labels and be vigilant with everything you buy and eat.

If eliminating allergens from your life are not possible, then all you can do is decrease of the symptoms.

If taking medications or allergy shots all the time is not your cup of tea, you may want to consider visiting a chiropractor for noninvasive relief from your allergies.

In Conclusion
A MO allergist knows how to alleviate allergy symptoms naturally.Nagging allergies need attention. If you do not attend to your allergies, they can lead to something more serious such as asthma. Asthma spawns chronic episodes of bronchitis, pneumonia, and upper respiratory infections. These, in turn, can develop into advanced and serious health conditions such as terminal COPD, and digestive disorder like IBS, diverticulitis, and more. Contact your St. Louis MO allergist today for a consult regarding your allergy concerns.

Company Name: St. Louis Allergy Relief Center
Address: 1415 Elbridge Payne Road, #145, Chesterfield, MO 63017
Contact Telephone Number: (314) 384-9304

Learn about Pet Allergy Relief Options with St. Louis MO Allergy Center

Pets are a wonderful addition to the family and they can be your best friends. If you have allergies or asthma however, the furry form of a dog or cat or hamster or rabbit can also be your worst enemy. Pets that are warm blooded- so everything really other than fish and reptiles, will shed dander, which is a combination of dead skin cells, dried saliva, and fur or feather shreds. Dander can trigger asthma attacks and severe allergic reactions in people with pet allergies to dander, fur, or feathers. For severe cases of allergies it often recommended by St. Louis, MO Allergist to be pet-free home, especially if children are involved. However, there are several things you can do to lessen pet allergens at home without getting rid of your beloved pets.

Minimize contact
You can reduce dander, fur, and other allergens in your home by relegating your pets to the outdoors as much as possible. At the very least, dogs and cats should not be allowed in the bedrooms and never on the beds. Smaller pets like hamsters and rabbits need to also be kept out of children’s rooms. Wood flooring in the home and blinds instead of drapes traps less dander and are easier to clean, thus making it easier to keep dander and pet related allergens in check.

Clean, clean, clean
And we are not talking about the dog or cat, though that is important and will be discussed later. Dusting and vacuuming frequently can help keep dander from accumulating around the house and keeps the air cleaner. St. Louis, MO Allergist do sat it is still a good idea to do the house cleaning when the person with allergies or asthma is not at home so any allergens present are not kicked up into the air while they are around. Wood and tile floors make cleaning faster and easier too.

Bathe your pet
Research has shown over the years that frequently bathing your pet an be a great way to reduce the allergens that are found in their dander. You cannot keep your pet from having dander, almost all breeds of dogs and cats have dander because of the fibers of their hair and the way they shed. What you can do though is lessen the potency of that dander so when it does get into the air it does not cause as severe of symptoms. Washing your dog several times a month can be a great way to lessen the dander load. The same may hold true for cats but due to the innate difficulty of bathing felines, it is hard to determine if the results are worth the effort involved.

Clean cages and bedding
Though smaller pets such as hamsters, guinea pigs, rats, rabbits, mice, ferrets, birds, and other pets typically confined to cages are less of a problem when it comes to causing flareups for allergy and asthma sufferers, dander and urine accumulation can still lead to acute allergy or asthma attacks. Cages need to be leaned often and are best kept out of bedrooms and it is best to change the bedding and do the cleaning outside if possible. Likewise, litter boxes must be regularly emptied and are best moved out of living areas. Your dog and cat can also benefit from having their bedding and favorite toys washed now and then to keep allergens from accumulating there as well.

Set up your appointment with Dr. Ian Wahl today and enjoy life with less severe allergy and asthma symptoms with a little help from a St. Louis, MO Allergist with years of experience! For more information, visit the website at

Discover Safe Allergy and Asthma Relief Options with St. Louis MO Allergist Office

Allergic reactions can affect all ages of children, including infants, and adults, male or female. Everyone reacts differently to allergic reactions and the most commonly used options prescribed by their doctors act differently on each person.

While some people are bothered in the spring or fall season, others may be bothered just during the hot summer months; others may be bothered especially during the winter when they close windows and turn on their furnace for the first time. Other people have allergy problems year around, and it makes no difference what season they are facing.

Certain factors trigger an exacerbation of asthmatic symptoms. Sometimes people know what allergies triggered the asthma attack, other times the person does not have a clue.

Allergens present in the forms of seasonal changes with molds and mildews from dying foliage in the fall air, increased moisture out-of-doors, smoke from burning leaves, the first budding flowers in the spring, fresh cut grass in the summer, and more. Allergies can be from animal dander, dust, and even from symptoms of IBS triggered by a food allergy of which the person may or may know exists, and much more.

In the case of an allergic reaction such as hives, neither the individual nor the doctor may or may not know what caused the hives. Thus the physician and patient must calculate through a series of additions and subtractions. Allergies and asthma are one of the most difficult health issues to offer options to decrease signs and symptoms.

Most people would agree that if they already suffer from allergies and asthma they want relief options with the safest rate of success and comfort without making their symptoms worse.

What Constitutes Safe Allergy and Asthma Treatment Options?

Would you not prefer relief from your allergies and asthma through the use of no drugs, supplements, needles, pain, invasive procedures, or through the avoidance of anything in life that brings you joy and happiness? This pathway towards wellness is within your reach and is not too good to be true or realized.

Patients with asthma and allergies discover a decrease in allergy symptoms with a high rate of success, foregoing all invasive procedures.
It breaks any parent’s heart to see their children go through nagging and scary medical options for asthma and allergies. If there were only a way to help children of all ages, including infants would it not be worth seeing your baby free from these conditions through a non-invasive and proven route to healing.

Safe and efficient options for decreasing asthma and allergy symptoms are what seasoned, and skilled Dr. Ian Wahl devotes his life. Dr. Wahl never guarantees to cure any asthma or allergy problem for any patient, but what this doctor does is promote proven options that are safe, highly effective long-term help, and proven successful decrease of allergy and asthma symptoms at the St. Louis Allergy Relief Center.

The proof is in the many patients already realizing relief from their allergy issues with highly safe, non-invasive procedures. A track record of accomplishment in safely decreasing symptoms of allergies and asthma proves successful time and again for this MO Allergist. Call today for your free consultation for allergy and asthma relief,